Hours of Service Control (HoS)

Control in real time the availability of working hours of your drivers in accordance with established regulations.

Hours of Service Control (HoS)

The current medium and long distance transport market continues to adopt regulations to control drivers' work and rest times. Through the Service Hours module, you will be able to control the available hours of work to be able to assign transport efficiently and at the same time you will be able to receive alerts whenever a driver does not respect the established times.
This control can be carried out through mobile applications, ELD (Electronic Logging Devices) devices, digital tachographs or simply by loading manual data. Thus, allowing to adapt this functionality to any fleet size.

Improve security by complying with regulations

  • Dedicated module for better usability and individual information for each driver
  • Templates that facilitate use by type of vehicle or transport type
  • Exception control and work reports on a daily, weekly or monthly basic
  • Integration with external devices and with download of tachograph files