How to improve fuel efficiency with fleet tracking software

An ongoing concern for any fleet manager is how to improve fuel efficiency. This can be faciliated by the use of fleet tracking software. Here we will see how.
Fuel saving and fleet tracking software
Keeping an eye on mileage is essential to monitoring fuel costs and keeping prices down. Fleet tracking software is now equipped with mileage tracking. This will allow fleets to see exactly how much fuel is used at any one time. An added benefit is that a despatcher will be able to plan a route that will reduce mileage and fuel consumption, from this data alone. GPS tracking devices also provide real-time information, that will allow a despatcher to adapt inefficient routes immediately. Thanks to the advancement of GPS technology, now also allows real-time traffic information. If a driver can avoid a congested route, they will waste less fuel idling. It will also provide accurate delivery times, ensuring a better client relationship.
Route planning is really the pillar of fuel efficiency. Fleet tracking software allows real-time data to be analysed to optimise routes. This ensures the best use of time and resources. Jobs can be sequenced without time wasted. Loads can also be managed, which ensures "that the fuel required is the fuel necessary".
Indeed, the data collected from research trials has found that fleets can save money exponentially once they have employed it effectively. After some short-term organization and analysis, a fleet can soon begin to see an improvement. This will become ever more important as fuel prices are prone to sudden fluctuations.
Fleet tracking software and speed
Another essential part of fuel efficiency is monitoring driver behaviour. By managing teams of drivers, fleet tracking software can be used to evaluate driving routes and speeds used. It is common knowledge that high fuel consumption is often caused by speeding. If a team can reduce their average speed, they will find that their fuel goes much further. Another added benefit of this is "added protection for the driver and their safety whilst working". Efficient fleet tracking software should also prevent illegal speeding and their consequence, speeding tickets. All of which will have a negative impact on any fleet and their economy.
The data collected from fleet tracking software will also provide better driver training. With such education, drivers will be at the forefront of fuel efficiency. Simple tricks, such as reducing speed by 10% or driving in the right gear, will help to save fuel. The additional benefit is that maintenance costs will also be driven down.
Speaking of maintenance costs, by using fleet tracking software to help schedule maintenance, a fleet will be consistently operational. This will also assist in reducing fuel consumption, by having a mechanically sound fleet. Indeed, effective fleet tracking software will allow you to foresee potential problems and general performance. Data that it is essential to the efficiency of fuel savings.
For more information on the best fleet tracking software for your fleet, please contact Global AVL for details.