How to implement eco driving in your fleet

The concept of ‘driving green’ often strikes fear into the heart of drivers the world over. Especially within fleets, who have to deal with timed deadlines, customers and fleet managers. However, there are some ways that you can persuade your fleet to adhere to eco driving.
Why choose eco driving?
The most important argument here is that it directly affects profitability. Profits affect jobs and jobs affect drivers. Fleet managers now face more pressure than ever before to keep budgets low and profits high. By relying on fleet tracking software, this job is easier to manage but directly addressing driver behaviour is essential.
Drive with care
Driving with the foot constantly hovering above the accelerator or the brake is a sure sign of problems. Eco driving and it’s implementation means a smoother driving experience. The way to manage this is through "fleet tracking devices" inside the vehicle. "A fleet manager" can clearly see when a vehicle accelerates or brakes sharply.
Reduce speed
Speed is the real enemy of eco driving. The faster you drive, the more fuel you waste and this impacts directly on the environment. When we say speeding, it does not have to be by a significant amount. In fact, it has been proven that only small increases in speed lead to greater "fuel consumption". This will have a negative impact not only on your fuel consumption, but on your profits and the environment. Again, thanks to "fleet tracking software", excessive speeding can be analysed efficiently.
Lay off the air conditioning
In summer, it might be tempting to crank up the air conditioning but this wastes fuel like no other. Driving long distances with the air conditioning on full means that you can expect your petrol bill to skyrocket. Not so conducive to eco driving. By reducing the time switched on, or by changing the temperature slightly, you can guarantee that drivers do not feel discomfort. And neither will your bank balance.
Avoid idling
Idling is another enemy of eco driving. Also, carbon emissions are much higher, resulting in urban and rural pollution. A general piece of advice to follow would be to turn off the engine if you expect to be stationary for a minute or more. "Fleet tracking software" can help a fleet manager to tackle this issue. Not only by providing real time data but by also "fleet tracking software helping to plan more efficient routes".
Plan maintenance
It is understandable that at busy times, fleet managers can let maintenance of assets slide. However, something as simple as checking tyre pressure can make a huge difference when considering "eco driving". An underinflated tyre means that there is more friction against the road and this means more resistance. As we know, resistance means fuel wasted. In-vehicle tracking system will help a fleet manager stay on top of maintenance and to keep vehicles in tiptop condition.
As you can see, implementing eco driving is not so difficult. By changing just a few habits, you can find that "your fleet is far more efficient and environmentally friendly". Visit Global AVL for details on how to maximise your fleet performance.